Domain Names

Domain Name Registration
Your Web site will require a domain name, your online address. Selecting, registering, and renewing your domain name are important tasks that should not be taken lightly.

While many of the most common domain names are not available, it is still possible to get one that will work well for you. We can help you determine which ones are available and offer advice regarding the relative advantages between them. Whether a “.com” or “.net” makes a difference, the use of hyphenated domain names, and the length of a domain names are just a few of the variables you should consider.

Register the Domain Name
NetSenses can register the domain name of your choice for you or show you how to do it. Either way, in registering domain names we stress that they are listed in the client’s name and all billing is direct to the client, preventing any question of ownership in the future.

Most often, we register domain names in an account set up for you, our client, with your information. We have access to the account to manage and administer your domain and site but you retain control of your domain and account..

Have your Domain Name already?
If you already have a domain name and wish to host your web site with us, we can still be of assistance to you. We will make all the necessary transfer arrangements to ensure that your registration is properly set up.

Ongoing Management of Domain Name Registration
As an added service to our clients, NetSenses tracks the status of each domain name registration to make sure that your rights are protected. We will remind you of any important renewal dates or other opportunities that may occur to your benefit.